For FHE this week we learned about prayer, and the structure of prayer. I asked Jackson what he wanted to thank Heavenly Father for and he answered with, "watermelon and waterfalls". Then I asked him what he wanted to ask Heavenly Father for and to keep with the water theme he said, "a water fountain". I had no idea he knew what a water fountain was or that he was so thirsty. He's so funny! After we closed the lesson with a prayer we started on some Halloween crafts. He LOVES craft time! It's October so, of course, we had to make some Halloween decorations. Here are his creations:

After the crafts were done, he got to decide which one to give to Grandma, then Mommy and Daddy, and which one to hang in his and Austin's room. Mommy and Daddy were given the very scary spider web and he decided where it needed to be hung. He was so proud! He chose to hang it with the big spider web in the living room.

I love that he has opinions now and that he can voice them. He's growing up so quickly. We're very proud of this little man!
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