At 7 months Austin is 31 inches long (off the charts in height) and 21 lbs (88th percentile). He is such a good baby, so calm and sweet. He LOVES to snuggle and he loves to give kisses. He's eating some table food (even some of Jackson's hamburger). He's getting ready to crawl as well. He's growing so fast! His first year is flying by!
This year we had our big family Easter dinner on Friday because Grandma had to work on Sunday. I tried out a new recipe for dessert which I found on Pinterest (of course). It's a super rich chocolate brownie cake. It turned out great, but was a little too rich for my taste. However, I really think that if you are a true die-hard chocolate lover then you will LOVE this recipe . I thought I was a true die-hard chocolate lover, but this cake beat me. A good friend of mine makes Easter cupcakes with her kids every year. I saw them on her blog last year and I thought they were so cute! This year we made them at our house to hand out to our neighbors. Jackson helped with the baking and decorating. He has some mad grass and egg decorating skills! He also decorated the plates that we handed out the cupcakes on. Our neighbors were quite impressed with his work. For some reason I still get these little momentary realizations that I'm a mother of two, and I get this rush of emo...
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