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The end of school; the end of an era

Soooo, it's been awhile since I've posted, and by "awhile" I mean a year ago.  Oops.  I'm so busy during the school year with my own classes that I forget to post in the blog.  I'll try to do better, especially for our family that lives far away.

The end of this school year was crazy!  I felt like I was running in circles working in the PTA- there was so much to do!  I thought joining the PTA would be some good volunteer time at the boys' school- I had NO idea just how much time it takes!  Next year, I'll be a little more prepared because I know what's coming.  And that's not even the crazy part- Jackson has finished elementary and Harrison graduated from pre-k.  That's crazy!  Where did the time go?!

Harrison's graduation was first, so I'll start there.  It was soooo sweet and so cute, and I cried like a baby because he IS my baby.  This tiny person is such a perfect little caboose for our family.  Recently, I've been thinking a lot about him growing up so quickly.  I keep thinking about how Jim and I were done having babies after we lost our last baby in November of 2012.  We couldn't deal with the emotional and physical pain that each loss caused us.  I'm so grateful that the spirit spoke to us more loudly than our painful memories did, and that Harrison joined our family in 2014.  He is so vibrant and wild and silly and charming and sweet and grateful!  I get teary just thinking about our little caboose- he's perfect!  I mean, look at this little handsome!

He did so well in pre-k!  He drove Mrs. Greer crazy some days, but he flourished in her class!  He learned to read! And he learned when to calm down and listen.  ...most days.  That may not seem like much, but that's huge for Harrison!  He's not very good at sitting still. 

I can't look at him without smiling- he's adorable!  Some of the parents worked with Mrs. Greer to get caps and gowns for his class.  I loved the idea so much that I'm thinking of suggesting the PTA pay for a class set of gowns for all pre-k and kinder classes next year to be used every year.
Look at that face- could he be any cuter!?  They were ALL adorable!

My little bug is getting so big!

Look at this hands in his pockets like he's all grown up!  Little handsome!

Oh my goodness, he talked about this cake for at least a week before the graduation!  He was so excited that Mrs. Greer got them all a graduation cake!  He asked me about 25 times after the ceremony if he could have cake- it was like 5 minutes between the ceremony and when he finally got some cake.  This kid is serious about cake!

I wish I had gotten a picture- his teachers even handed out ring pops with their graduating year attached as a class ring. So clever!

Harrison loves his teachers! Mrs. Flores

And Mrs. Greer

Ok, so now it's Jackson's turn.
Last night I was looking at pictures of Jackson as a baby.  I struggle with my memories of him when he was tiny.  He was the worst sleeper and he ate every 90 minutes 24-7 the first 9 weeks, so I know I was sleep deprived, but I struggle so much more to picture him as a baby in my mind than I do our other boys.  I remember he was VERY serious.  I practically had to stand on my head to get him to crack a smile.  A friend of mine posted a picture of her 5th grader on his last day of elementary with a picture of his first day of kindergarten.  I loved it!  So I did the same for Jackson.  I don't know why his last day picture is so blurry??  Look at my baby!

Anyway, he's a pre-teen now, and he's rarely serious these days.  He finished elementary strong!  He was the runner-up in the school spelling bee, he mastered the STAAR test in all sections (well, we don't know his science score yet, but he always masters standardized tests, so I'm sure this section will be no exception), he won several awards including LISD scholar, and he joined just about every club his school had to offer (except choir, apparently, that's where he draws the line).  Because of all his hard work, he was accepted into Irons Middle School's engineering program.  None of his friends will be going with him, but that doesn't seem to bother him.  He's just excited to go to school without his brothers- his words exactly.  But Jackson gained some awesome friends in elementary: Christian

And Jaiden

I hope he finds more great friends like these two boys at Irons. 
He had an amazing group of teachers this year!  I was constantly hearing praises about him from his reading teacher especially, Mrs. Keck.  She would go above and beyond to tell me something great that Jackson did in class.  It really helps parents out to hear good things that happen in school that we wouldn't otherwise know.  He excelled in Mrs. Keck's class, which is funny because he says he hates reading.
In order from left to right:  Stinnet (math), Keck (ELAR), Cockrell (science), and Broadhurst (social studies- Jackson's favorite subject)

I had to get a picutre of Jackson with Mrs. Cockrell, his homeroom teacher.

Then it was time for the 5th grade banquet!  I worked my butt off along with some other moms and teachers to create "a red carpet affair" theme.  It turned out really cute, if I do say so myself!  My favorite part was their stars- each star had a 5th grader's name on it, and all 5th graders were represented.

The kids had a blast!

Jackson did NOT want me to take his picture.  I have officially become super uncool and mostly lame.  I've been waiting for this time in his life because now the real fun begins!  The more embarrassed he acts, the more embarrassing I get! muahahahaha!
I got one picture of of him with his friends.

I forced him to take a picture with me-
This age is so finicky.  Some of my mom-friends say their children this age are still loving and sweet (mostly mom's of girls), while other mom-friends are completely uncool like me.  Though, Jackson has never been very touch-feely, so I don't expect it from him anyway.
He was NOT thrilled that I pulled him away from his friends for a picture, but he did it without complaining.  He even smiled!  That's a win! 

It's tradition at Centennial for the 5th graders to do a final walk around the school.  All the other grades stand outside their classrooms and high-five the 5th graders as they go by.  I couldn't tell people about this tradition without crying, but I didn't shed one tear when it actually happened because I could barely keep from laughing as 90% of the fifth graders were sobbing crying.  Crying so much that they didn't high five the other students because they were too busy wailing crying- no exaggeration- kids were wailing crying.  I don't know if it was the hormones or what, but their ridiculousness was pretty hilarious, and kept me from crying!  Another win!  Jackson was one of the few who was not crying, obviously. He was high-fiving the other kids.

And just like that, he's in middle school.  Hard to believe, but I think we're ready!  He's a little more ready than me, but I'm so stoked for him!  He's going to a great school and becoming the person he's meant to be.

And then there's Austin.  Austin moved on to 3rd grade!  Not a big change like his brothers, but he was not forgotten.  He had a great year with his group of teachers, but I'm especially partial to his homeroom/science teacher, Mrs. Hall.  Besides being absolutely adorable, her class if very hands-on, which is what Austin's brain thrives on!

However, I told her that I had a bone to pick with her...
She handed out these sweet pictures of the first and last days of her students in her class.

See that sweet little boy on the left?  That is the child that I gave her.  Now, look at the picture on the right.  Why did she give me back a child that looks like a teenager!?!?  He's EIGHT!  Not THIRTEEN!  She said she was amazed by the difference as well, and that she saw the most change in him (physically).  It's insane how different he looks in the pictures.  It almost looks like Jackson's kinder v. 5th grade picture, but this is just one school year.  Austin has always changed so dramatically very quickly!  I just came across a picture on Facebook of Austin at 18 months wearing 3T pajamas.  He's always grown up faster than he should- he's going to be 7 feet tall some day!  Mrs. Hall refers to him as a "gentle giant", and she's right!


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