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Let the summer begin!

Now that school is out, summer has begun!
I'm not doing the Nuffer Family Summer Camp quite as structured as I usually do, but you can click here, if you want last year's NFSC plans.  This year, I'm going to randomly select boxes from Little Passports that my mom had sent to the boys last year.  We have some left over, so this summer we'll go through the rest of them.  We'll also participate in the Lubbock Library festivities, and whatever else that comes up this summer.  It's going to be super relaxed and a lot less structured.  I mean, they still have to read every day, write in a jourmal, and do some daily chores, but overall, this summer is going to be relaxed.

So far this summer, the boys have taken advantage of the summer reading program all on their own.  I'm not mandating that they read daily until next week.

It's actually Jackson that has taken the reading initiative and the other boys are following his lead.
Last week we surprised the boys with a trip to Mr. Gatti's.

I had to take the following picture of Jackson because he blew all his money in less than 3 minutes on this $2 game machine trying to win an Iphone.  We always tell the boys that those machines are not made to deliver, they're made to take your money.  This time he didn't listen to us, and he cried and cried when I refused to refill his game card.  Some lessons you just have to learn for yourself.

First thing I did was play a little air hockey with this guy!

And Jim took pity on Jackson and funded an air hockey game for him.

And like always, Harrison spent a lot of time on the kiddie-rides.  It's his jam!

We finished up the day with a trip to the new used book store.  See what I did there, "new used."  I'm hilarious!

The next day, I took the boys to the petting zoo that the library held.  Austin was there, but he did not want to be near any of the animals.  Proof he was there...

And that's the last you'll see of him in these pictures.
The other boys had a blast!

There were baby pigs in with the rabbits, those tiny pigs stole the show!  They were soooo cute!
We finished off the day with some lunch at Red Lobster, the boys were stoked to pet the lobsters.

Look at this picture.  This is my life- none of them looking the same direction.  Oy vay.

Can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds.  I know for sure there will be swimming, bbqs, and lots of fun!


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