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Showing posts from July, 2018

A Whole Lot of Random...

You guys know that my children are crazy.  And hilarious.  And random. So here's a bunch of random moments from the Nuffer Nest.  Enjoy. Sometimes, you just feel like Yoshi. And sometimes, a tiny person steals my phone and takes 458 selfies that look just like this: And sometimes, mom and grandma spend way too much time at Costco. Other times, you smash your finger in a door and have to take a "quick" trip to urgent care. At least it wasn't broken. And sometimes, life just gets hairy... Other times, the Captain Underpants underwear you just got for your birthday has a cape, so you have to show it off by not wearing pants. Sometimes, you're as cute as can be when you get a free apple at the grocery store. (You guys, look at that little round belly- I just want to tickle and squeeze him!) And sometimes, your brother helps you hang on when life gets tough. Other times, they're there to give...

4th of July 2018

The 4th was so nice this year because I lounged around all day until it was time for fireworks that night.  Because, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but Texas is hot.  Really, really hot.  The town parade is too peopley, and it's hot.  Super hot.  So the perfect 4th is hanging out with my family on the inside where it's not hot. That evening we met up with some good friends, and a new friend, for some fireworks in the park.  We can't have any family events without this little ham: And I got quite a few pictures of these two because they're so cute!  But I'll spare you and only post one. You might be thinking, where's Austin.  He's here: the car because he's afraid of nature, and he's allergic to it anyway.  He asked to get in the car, and he hung out there the first half of the night.  He was happy as can be in there! Hanging out: Getting ready for the show to start: Soon the show...

How is Harrison 4 already!?

I mean, seriously, wasn't it just a year or so ago that Harrison joined our family?!  It sure feels like it. But no, Harrison is a wild little guy, with very little fear.  He's always running, jumping, and wrestling.  The only time he's still is when he's sleeping.  He's also the most grateful little boy I've ever met.  He says thank you all the time! "Thank you for making me dinner." "Thank you for taking me to the store." "Thank you for buying me groceries." "Thank you for brushing my teeth." All the time, he's so thankful.  Crazy, but thankful. He also loves snuggles.  The big boys don't like hugs much, and they certainly don't want kisses, but Harrison LOVES hugs and kisses.  I think that's why this birthday is so hard on me.  I know soon he won't want mama loves and snuggles, and that is heartbreaking. So even though I'm not ready for it, Harrison turned 4. And turning 4 came with 2 p...

Brian and Whitney get married!

Our family has been waiting for this day for well over a year!  My little brother, Brian, finally married Whitney a couple weeks ago.  Such a wonderful weekend! I mean, how cute are they?! The first night was the rehearsal, of course, but I didn't get many pictures. I do have a fun little story, though... Jackson was the ring bearer, and Whitney wanted him to walk arm and arm with the flower girl, Delaney.  But, he wouldn't do it.  I thought maybe it was because he didn't know her before that night, but no, that's way too simple for Jackson.  Jackson didn't want to walk down the aisle with Delaney because he thought if he walked down the (wedding) aisle with this stranger-girl, he'd be married to her!  bahahahahahahahaha!  That is hysterical! Once we assured him that they would not be married if he walked arm and arm with this (super sweet) little girl, he was totally fine with it. But look at their little faces.  And their little fists...