The last couple New Years I have made balloons with special times on them and each balloon/time has a fun activity or treat or game etc., but this year since Harrison is so little and his schedule is a little watery I didn't want to have certain plans set in stone and then Harrison throw a fit because it's not what he wanted to do. And I wanted a less stressful night, so we just kind of went with the flow of the night. We were still getting over the flu that Jackson brought home for Christmas, so we stayed in.
A couple times a year I let the boys eat whatever they want for dinner, even if it's pure junk food. New Years Eve is one of those nights. I told them it was a special party night so they got to choose whatever food they wanted for dinner. This was well received by all (including daddy). They both requested cream cheese and crackers, and Jackson wanted peanut butter cups and Fruit By The Foot and Austin wanted Starbursts and Fruit Loop fruit snacks. Jim bought about 5 different salsas to try. I was ok with cheese and crackers. ;)
So we started the night with "dinner"-
Harrison wasn't interested in party food, but he had something yummy and pureed, no doubt.
His favorite table past-time is gumming down his bibs, so he was very content.
Then we took some fun family pictures because Harrison was ready for bed.
One last one with daddy before bedtime!
We did recreate a couple pictures to compare Harrison and Jackson at this age since they look so much alike (Jackson was 4 months and Harrison was 5 months)
With Harrison in bed we took a couple more pictures of the bigger boys and started PLAYING!
The rest of the night was filled with board games and Just Dance 2015! My boys LOVE to dance, so this game is one of their favoirte things to do. It's pretty hilarious watching them dance too. Though, they would probably tell you the same about Jim and me. ;)
They made it the latest this year, 10pm. They could have kept partying, but Jim and I were so tired we called 10 our midnight, counted down, and went to bed.
It was a good night.
Happy New Year from the Nuffers!
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