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Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

March 2nd is Dr. Suess' birthday and I wanted to celebrate the day with the boys. We began the day by reading Green Eggs and Ham and then I made green eggs and ham for breakfast. As I've said before, Jackson is a picky eater, but he ate all of his green eggs! With every bite he told me, "I'm just like Sam I am, momma!", it was adorable. And ever since he has been trying new food, telling me how he is just like Sam I am.

I wanted to read the boys The Cat in the Hat because I had a cute The Cat in the Hat project for Jackson. Apparently, we do not own a copy of The Cat in the Hat and I did not know it. I have several copies of many Dr. Suess books, but not that one. The boys do have a stuffed Cat in the Hat, so I used that has our inspiration. Jackson made 2 Cat in the Hat hats, one for himself and one for Austin. I wanted a picture of the boys in their hats, but Austin did not appreciate his brother making him a hat and he cried A LOT in every picture. It made me laugh a little... (the picture is blurry because I was laughing).

The last Suess activity for the day was reading One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and making our own fishbowls. Thinking about it now, I probably should have made red and blue fish for our fishbowl, maybe next time. This is one of Austin's first art projects. I love that he's beginning to participate in our activities. (Sorry, I couldn't get the picture to flip the right way)


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