I didn't forget about this challenge in the month of February. This month's challenge was to "visit the sick and afflicted and inspire in them a desire for faith to be healed". I didn't know where to begin with this challenge or what to do to fulfill it. -and I'm still not sure I did the right thing for this challenge, but it's what I felt was right.
I am a member of Babycenter.com and I belong to a March 2011 birth club along with thousands of other moms with babies that are Austin's age. In our birth club there was one special, precious baby boy who was born with cancer. Last December it looked like he had beat it, and it was truly a blessing for his family and for all of us that tried to be supportive and follow Baby Carter's battle with cancer. Then in February Carter's parents took him back to the hospital because he wasn't feeling well. Unfortunately, Carter had developed many more tumors that wrapped around his tiny little spine and also developed in his brain. Carter lost his battle with cancer just a week or so ago. It was truly devastating as an outsider looking in on this beautiful boy's struggle with this horrible disease that I can't begin to imagine what his parents were going through or what they continue to go through. It's still very difficult for me to even think about, and I have had many sleepless nights that I just lie awake thinking about Carter. I know that he is no longer in pain and that he is with our Heavenly Father, but I also know that his parents long to be their baby boy. I fulfilled my challenge this month by sending a little something to Carter's family to try to ease their burden of Carter's medical bills. I don't know what else I can do for this family. I don't really know Carter's family, but I feel like I do. All the March 2011 mommy's feel like we know Carter and his incredible parents. Carter's dad created this website dedicated to Carter's courageous, beautiful life. Honestly, I have yet to visit the sight because it's just too difficult still, but I encourage all that read this to visit the site and read about this sweet baby's incredible life. And I pray that we all hug our little ones a little tighter tonight and thank Heavenly Father for their health and presence in our lives.
I pray you are dancing and singing with all the angels in heaven sweet little Carter.
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