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A month of gratitude

Everyday I will edit this post for something I am grateful for that day for every day of the month of November.

1. Today I am grateful for my family. I wasn't sure I would get married or have children, and I have been blessed with both.

2. Today I am grateful for being productive. I'm grateful I have the health and capacity to clean and organize, and that I am able to do so while staying home with my children.
--I'm apparently trying to hurry and get through November because I posted 2 on the 1st. Oh well, this will count for today's.

3. Today I am grateful for my students. I really didn't want to go in to work tonight, but I'm so glad I did. My students needed me and it was good to talk with all of them. Students are why I love teaching!

4. Today I am grateful for quiet moments to myself. Jim is sick, Austin is teething, and Jackson is... well, 3, so I'm doing everything alone and it's been a long day. I'm grateful for 10 quiet minutes because sometimes that's all it takes to rejuvenate myself so I can jump back into the game.

5. Today I am grateful for my extended family and how much they love Jim and our boys.

6. Today I am grateful for Jackson's sweet voice coming through the monitor and his vivid imagination. Apparently, Dora was having a very perilous adventure in his room this morning.

7. Today I am grateful for FHE. It never goes the way I plan, but it always turns out well. Jackson is quite opinionated these days, and he keeps things interesting.

8. Today I am grateful for Big Papa. He's getting so big so quickly! Even though he's definitely Daddy's boy he still has a little room for mommy. Tonight after my shower I walked out and he immediately started smiling and kicking and reaching for me. I have no words to describe how much his excitement and reaching meant to me. I love my little cuddle bug!

9. Today I am thankful for drive-thru's. It sounds silly, but I was so tired today and I was so grateful to be able to grab some Taco Bell and go home with little effort and virtually no clean up. Yay!

10. Today I am grateful for the health of my children. Austin had a stomach bug at the beginning of the day, but played through it like nothing was wrong. I am grateful that at the end of the day he was keeping down Pedialite AND milk. I'm so very very grateful for their health. It is truly something I'm grateful for every day of their lives.

11. Today I am grateful for 2 things: First, my little brother who turns 19 today. He has grown into a very kind and loving man with integrity (and that's not easy to find these days). I'm very proud of him. And second, I'm also very grateful for all the men and women who have fought for my freedom, especially the freedom of my children.

12. Today I am grateful I can just my boys as guinea pigs, so that I can play out all my crazy craft ideas on them. Poor Austin, he gets the brunt of my crazy.

13. Today I am grateful for the lesson about the Millennium in Relief Society today. I felt the spirit strongly reminding me of the truthfulness of the gospel AND it answered so many questions that have been lingering for quite awhile. Thank you Sister Hoke!

14. Today I am grateful for the Spirit that reminds me and teaches me invaluable lessons anytime I'm willing to listen.

15. Today I am grateful for my eternal marriage. Jim is my very best friend and my most favorite person. I'm so grateful for our communication skills and our strong relationship. I'm SO glad I have him forever.

16. Today I'm grateful for my life. I turned 32 today and I am healthy and strong. I have a fantastic family that I am so very grateful for, and amazing friends that continue to bless me.

17. Today I am grateful for the resilience and cheer that children naturally have. Jackson has some mean allergies right now that just appeared out of no where last night, but he is still happy and cheery and joyful even though he has to blow his little nose every 5 minutes and his little eyes are so very watery. It's so cute to watch him play and dance while little allergy tears run down his sweet little cheeks.

18. Oh my, I'm very behind, time to catch up! Today I am grateful for my job. My students are amazing. I'm so grateful I'm just part time and that it's only nights- such a blessing to our family.

19. Today I'm grateful for Jim. He's AMAZING! Truly my favorite person and my best friend. He is always sweet and kind, and always thinking about how to make me feel loved and special. He's my favorite!

20. Today I'm grateful for both of my children and the miracle they are. They are so very different from each other, but they love each other so much already. Jackson wants to be with Austin all the time and Austin thinks Jackson hung the moon. No one is as cool as Jackson in Austin's eyes. I pray with every fiber of my being that they will remain close forever.

21. Today I'm grateful that it's Sunday and we get to stay home and get well. We've all been ill a lot the last few weeks and we're rarely sick. Hoping we kick all illness today!

22. Today I'm grateful for a week off school. I really enjoy school, but having a little time off is quite a stress relief. I'm also grateful this is such an easy semester. Phew!

23. Today I'm grateful for the student standing outside that was truly grateful and happy for the little treat I gave her as I was leaving work tonight. She made me feel joyful as I ended my evening.

24. Today I am grateful for my grandmother. She changed her life to raise me (while my mother worked and went to school) and she didn't have to. She's very strong and keeps our family glued together.

25. Today I am grateful for the dreary weather outside and that my family is cozy inside.

26. Today I am grateful for Christmas which is less than a month away!

27. Today I am grateful for this time of year and that I have 2 boys in my life to share it with. Every holiday is 100 times better when there are children!

28. Today I am grateful that Jim has the day off and that we are able to run errands. It seems mundane, but having him home is nice and it makes things much easier.

29. Today I am grateful for my education. It allows me to help and teach others and there is nothing else in this world I would rather do! ...and I get paid to do it. Double blessing.

30. Today I am grateful for Austin's 2 bottom teeth little smile. He smiles almost every time I look at him and those two teeth could not be any cuter! He has 4 teeth as of Monday, but I can only see his 2 two bottom teeth and they make his smile perfect!


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