We bought a fancy-shmancy swing for Austin because we had everything else left over from Jackson, so I put some decent money into the swing that I wanted. So we bought the Snugli Bunny swing by Fisher Price. The swing is adorable and Austin LOVES it, he even sleeps in it every night. I'm completely ok with Austin sleeping in his swing. I'm a much more laid back mommy with Austin than I was with Jackson. I figured I would just start sleep-training Austin at 4 months. I don't know what made 4 months the magical age, but that's when I was going to transition Austin from the swing to the bassinet/pack-n-play/crib. Well, Austin's swing broke during his afternoon nap on the 4th of July. Sad. And angry! I was mostly angry because of the money we put into the swing just to have it break so quickly, and I was sad because I just knew the sleep transition would be HORRIBLE for Austin. Making for a rough few nights for mommy and daddy.
Long story short, Austin didn't even really need to "transition". We put him to bed in his bassinet and he slept just fine. We doesn't sleep 10+ hours anymore, but he still sleeps 8 and that's pretty good! Unfortunately, my little buddy is a BIG little buddy and he's already grown out of his bassinet so I cleaned up the old pack-n-play and Austin slept in his new big boy bed for the first time last night.
I'm still angry with Fisher Price because the motor is on back-order (which tells me the motor breaks frequently enough that they can't keep up with their product breaking down) and I won't be able to use the swing at all for a few more weeks, but their poor product was a blessing in disguise. It forced me to take Austin out of the swing and he's doing great in his big boy bed!
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