Even without the fireworks we had a really good 4th. We took Jackson to the local parade and he had a blast! He got to see horses and heroes, wave at funny people dressed up in costumes, drum daddy's head with the bands, and he even got a little candy along the way. Best of all, Austin stayed at home with Grandma, so Jackson had Mommy and Daddy all to himself. I know just being with Mommy and Daddy was his favorite part because when it was time to go home he started crying, saying, "No baby Austin! No baby Austin!". He'll learn someday how important his brother is, but Austin's not much fun right now, at least that's Jackson's opinion. I LOVE Austin's age!
Daddy and Jackson waiting for the parade to begin.
Mommy and Daddy waiting for the parade to get started.
We tried to get a family picture in, but this was as good as it got...
I do like our family picture because we captured Jackson's "smile for me" face. He's such a nut! Here's another picture that shows his little personality and his amazing sense for fashion.
The Lubbock bands are trying to raise money to attend the Rose Bowl Parade next year. I love the Rose Bowl Parade on New Years Day, it reminds me of when I was a little girl. Here's Jackson cheering on the band!
Jackson's clapping and waving at something
Jackson and Daddy watching some drummers go by. Jackson started drumming daddy's head.
After a long day of parade watching, playing, BBQing, and fun with family, Jackson was pooped!
The only sad part of the day is that I didn't get any pictures of Austin's first 4th of July. He and Jackson even matched. So I snapped this picture at the end of day. He's such a handsome boy! Austin slept in his bassinet for the first time in a couple months because his swing broke and he did so well! He still slept just over 8 hours. Pretty good! I guess we don't need the swing after all.
Cracks me up that Jackson would say no baby Austin. I think it is such a big adjustment for the first child and hope he starts enjoying his little brother very soon!