Austin is sleeping through the night now in his bed, not in the swing, which is the one blessing of the swing breaking. BUT Fisher Price, or Fisher Poop as I now refer to them, was supposed to send a new motor on the 15th. That was Friday. No motor was sent. So I called this morning and they told me that the motor is out till the end of the month probably . It might be even longer than than the end of the month. The very helpful sales lady (insert sarcasm here) told me that if I just give her my credit card number they will charge me for a new swing which they will send in 6-8 weeks, and then at my leisure I can send back the old one. Then 6-8 weeks from the time I send back the old swing they will credit my card back. What!?! Really?? You want me to buy another swing from you? Um, NO! NO, I will NOT buy 2 crappy swings from you, I learned my lesson the first time. I learned not only is the swing a piece of junk (made manifest by your lack of motors telling me they go out...