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First day of school 2016!

The first 6 weeks of school just passed, so it's about time I get the first day of post up, right?

This year Jackson is in 3rd grade.

He was a little anxious this year, I'm still not 100% sure why, but it made me a little apprehensive to leave him.  I didn't cry at all this year, but Jackson's anxiety almost brought on the tears.  His day went well, though, and he's having a good year so far!

Parts of second grade were really tough.  His teacher had a hard time last year, and Jackson did too.  As this new school year approached, I prayed even more than I usually do that Jackson would have a good teacher this year who would be patient with him, and that he would choose some better behaviors. Jackson has 3 teachers this year, and I'm excited (and relieved) to say that they're ALL so wonderful!  It's made such a big difference.  His behavior is much better as well. His math teacher even has a room decorated in electronic games like Mario Brothers and Pacman- perfect for Jackson!
This is Mrs. Rodriguez, his homeroom teacher.  LOVE her!  LOVE them all!
This mama's prayers were definitely answered.

Austin is in kindergarten this year.

Harrison HAD to be in the first day of school picture too...

He's so cute!  He was so excited, but pretty sad that he was going to have a new teacher and not his old preschool teachers.  He told me that he needed TWO teachers like in preschool, not just one.  He was very worried that his new teacher would not be able to handle all the students in his class because there was just one of her.  Thankfully, he loves his teacher, and she's been able to care for ALL of her students.  Phew!  Crisis averted.
Mrs. Catano is wonderful!  She is so sweet and so great at pushing Austin's brain to new levels.  He's so flippin smart and she works hard at growing his mind.  He loves her!

Since we're 6 weeks in they've already done some level testing.  Jackson's reading and math are at 5th grade level.  Austin is reading at a 2nd grade level and his math is in 1st grade level.  They're such smarty pants!  I'm so grateful they have educators who recognize their intelligence and push them to progress farther. I know it's not easy to be a classroom teacher with so many learning levels and learning intelligences, and trying to balance them all.  The boys' teachers are fantastic!  
We're so grateful for their school and their new teachers!


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