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Nuffer Family Summer Camp 2016!

It got down to the wire, but I'm getting the NFSC up and running just in time to get started on Moday!

This year we will do some of the same things as years past.  Each week we will visit the library and get books that fit the theme, we'll have a weekly field trip, and we'll do whatever activity feels good for that day.  We'll also have a movie day that goes along with the weekly theme every Friday.  Now, for the changes because, you know, we're evolving.  First, I'll put a link to my Pinterest board that corresponds to each week's theme, so I don't have to type everything out with individual links like before.  Second, I'm adding a science experiment to each week.  If you're following along with us, the science experiment can be found in the Pinterest board link that I provide under "Activities".  And third, I'm adding a new theme this year.  Instead of a "Pirates" week, we're having a week of "Cooking School".  The big boys have really showed a interest in cooking, so might as well teach them a thing or two in the kitchen.  The best part of this year's camp is that Jim gets to participate more!  His schedule works out a little better to be more involved.  We love daddy!

Soooo, without further ado...

Week 1, June 6-10, Earth and Nature:
Field trip:  Lubbock Lake Landmark
Movie:  The Lorax
Experiment(s):  create a garden, color changing daisies, and/or sandwich bag compost

Week 2, June 13-17, Weather:
Field trip:  The Windmill Museum
Movie:  Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Experiment(s):  water cycle experiment and/or make an anemometer

Week 3, June 20-24, Animals:
Field trip:  Critter Fest at the Science Spectrum
Movie:  any of the Madagascars
Experiment(s):  How do fish breathe, mini ecosystem, blubber/cold water animals, and/or beak adaption experiment

Critter Fest 2015
Week 4, June 27-July 1, It's A Small World:
Field trip:  Texas Tech Museum
Movie:  Rio or Rio 2
Experiment(s):  we'll experiment with other cultures' traditions and food

Week 5, July 4-8, America, The Beautiful:
Field trip:  Watch some fireworks!
Movie:  Wreck It Ralph (arcades are pretty American, right??)
Experiment(s):  not sure...  So if anyone has any ideas...

Week 6, July 11-15, Space:
Field trip:  The TTU Planetarium to see Saturn, Ring World
Movie:  Escape From Planet Earth or Home
Experiment(s):  why is the sky blue, DIY constellations and/or view constellations outside of town

Week 7, July 18-22, The Human Body:
Field trip:  Tour an ambulance
Movie:  Tangled (she uses her senses) or Hotel Transylvania (bones guy)
Experiment(s):  flashlight through fingers, and/or exercise and graph pulse

Week 8, July 25-29, Cooking School:
Field trip:  Visit a new restaurant? 
Movie:  Ratatouille
Experiment(s):  We'll be experimenting in the kitchen all week
Activities: + basic foods like scrambled eggs, cookies, toast, grilled cheese, etc.

Week 9, August 1-5, The Ocean:
Field trip:  The Science Spectrum (bottom floor) OR go see Finding Dory
Movie:  Finding Nemo
Experiment(s):  what dissolves in water and/or reversing water pollution

Week 10, August 8-10, Planes:
Field trip:  The Silent Wings Museum
Movie:  Planes
Experiment(s):  paper airplanes (specifically thrust, drag, lift, and gravity)


  1. First of all, kudos to you for planning this all! You should invite the neighborhood and charge tuition. ;) I saw that you have color-changing daisies as a possible activity and thought I would share my experience. I tried it with our preschool group but after two weeks, there were only a couple of tiny spots of color. I read on another blog that roses work overnight...but I haven't tried those. Anyway, it looks awesome and I hope you guys enjoy it immensely!

  2. We ended up not even doing the color changing experiment, but I think I'll try roses next year for nature week. Thanks, Missi!


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