First two weeks down and we're still going strong! Week 1: Nature week First thing we did for nature week was to plant a garden. Austin planted daisies and beans, and Jackson planted mixed flowers and eggplant. Our little garden is growing like crazy! I should have snagged a picture, but I will post picture in a future blog. The only thing not growing yet is the eggplant and some parsley that I planted. We're still hoping they're just late bloomers. -HA! See what I did there?? Next, we went on a scavenger hunt! We found things in nature and the boys learned that nature isn't just in the woods or fields, but that nature is all around us- even in our neighborhood! That thought had never occured to them. They took pictures of everything they found with their Ipads. We also took a little field trip to the Lubbock Lake Landmark. Honestly, it was a lot more fun than I remember. They had a little booklet tha...