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Showing posts from June, 2016

Nature week and weather week

First two weeks down and we're still going strong! Week 1:  Nature week First thing we did for nature week was to plant a garden. Austin planted daisies and beans, and Jackson planted mixed flowers and eggplant. Our little garden is growing like crazy!  I should have snagged a picture, but I will post picture in a future blog.  The only thing not growing yet is the eggplant and some parsley that I planted.  We're still hoping they're just late bloomers. -HA!  See what I did there?? Next, we went on a scavenger hunt! We found things in nature and the boys learned that nature isn't just in the woods or fields, but that nature is all around us- even in our neighborhood!  That thought had never occured to them. They took pictures of everything they found with their Ipads. We also took a little field trip to the Lubbock Lake Landmark. Honestly, it was a lot more fun than I remember.  They had a little booklet tha...

Nuffer Family Summer Camp 2016!

It got down to the wire, but I'm getting the NFSC up and running just in time to get started on Moday! This year we will do some of the same things as years past.  Each week we will visit the library and get books that fit the theme, we'll have a weekly field trip, and we'll do whatever activity feels good for that day.  We'll also have a movie day that goes along with the weekly theme every Friday.  Now, for the changes because, you know, we're evolving.  First, I'll put a link to my Pinterest board that corresponds to each week's theme, so I don't have to type everything out with individual links like before.  Second, I'm adding a science experiment to each week.  If you're following along with us, the science experiment can be found in the Pinterest board link that I provide under "Activities".  And third, I'm adding a new theme this year.  Instead of a "Pirates" week, we're having a week of "Cooking School...