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Life got away with me again and A LOT has happened in the last month or two since Easter, so it's time to play Nuffer catch-up.

First up, a letter to daddy.
We played outside one day while waiting for Jim to get home and Jackson wanted to write a note to daddy that he'd see when he gets home.
It reads, "Dear Daddy, 'your' welcome home from work.  PS I love you!"
He's so cute!

Harrison learned a couple new tricks:
He learned to read:

And balance stuff on his head:

We're so proud!

This next story might not be for the faint of heart.
Monkey was tortured.
I'm not 100% sure why, but I'm sure he wouldn't tell some important and critical information that Jackson was trying to pry out of him.
Stay strong, Monkey!
First he was put in the gas chamber.  For hours.
Literally hours.

But apparently he didn't talk because later that day I found him like this:

Poor, Monkey.  He's so brave.

For awhile Jim was working weekends, so on Saturdays I took the boys out for a mommy/sons dates.
We went to the Science Spectrum together:

And we also went to the arboretum and walked around looking at the beautiful flowers.
They liked this more than I thought they would.

I love this picture!  It really shows their personalities.
Jackson is smiling perfectly, he's very type A.
Austin is "being burned by the sun". He can be a bit dramatic.  He's 4.  It goes with the territory.
And little Harrison is just along for the ride.  He's just happy to be with his brothers, even if it means being squeezed and smooshed.

When we pick up Jackson from school, Austin is such a fun helper!
This is how he spends most of time waiting.  Hangin' with Harrison.  Yes, Harrison is in that seat.
And yes, Austin's rockin pajamas at 3 in the afternoon.  Jealous?

And being cool with mom.
It's how we do.

Jim gave me flowers for no particular reason at all.
Just because he knows I love flowers.
These flowers were gorgeous!  The picture doesn't do them justice.

Then, our deep freeze broke, but to be fair, it was 15+ years old.  My grandpa bought it used and had it for a few years.  Then, he gave it to my mom who had it for over 10 years, and then we had it for a few years.  So it was time to buy a new one.  We got an upright! 
It's so pretty.

Our church time sucks, to put it plainly.  It's from 11;30-2:20, right at nap time.  Oy vay.
Harrison, like Jackson, does NOT like sleeping anywhere but his bed, but a couple of Sundays in a row he fell asleep with Jim.  Success!
And, of course, Jim had to pretend to be sleeping through church with him.
They're so cute in their matching pink.

This is just a random trip to Sam's, but they looked so cute dressed alike.
They got a lot of attention at the Sam's that day, but not much talk of Jackson and Austin being twins anymore.

Harrison taught himself how to make a big mess.

We took the boys to Chuck E Cheeses.
It was fun, but I didn't appreciate the parting gift, pink eye for the older boys...

Then it was free comic book day AND the strawberry festival held by the local farmers market.
So Jim took the older boys to get some free comics, while Harrison and I visited the festival.

He's a pretty cool dude, and he knows it!

And then he passed out on the way home.  I didn't want to wake him by opening his door, so I just snapped a picture from my view point.

The boys got A LOT of free comics this year.
Jackson reading them to Austin.  He's such a good big brother!

Then this happened.
Austin is known as "Captain Destructo" around the house because destroying things is kind of his thing.  Here he (with some help from Jackson) finally kicked our trim enough it fell off.  ;-/
At the doctor's office.  Sigh.

Then it was time for "May the 4th be with you".  The library through a Star Wars party and Jim took some time off work to take the boys.
Even Harrison went to the party!

Then it was Cinco De Mayo.
I'll be honest, the closest we get to celebrating Cinco De Mayo is eating tacos for dinner, but this year Jackson was in a special celebration dance at school.
He's taking Spanish and his teacher sent a note home requesting he participate.  Sure!  I thought it was all of the first graders, but no, he was only one of six!  His dance was so so cute.  Although, it might have hurt this mama's heart seeing him dance with a girl for the first time...

 Even Harrison enjoyed the show, but the clapping scared the poo out of him.

Also that week, it was Teacher Appreciation week.



(an assortment of gourmet cookies)

And Friday:
I brought a few different types of muffins for the class with the note "Muffins better than a great teacher!"
I also took a picture of her with the class because she was sick on class picture day.  I'm going to give her an 8x10 copy in a big card or book the last day of school.

Around this same time, Jim started working in the evenings.  He gets out of work right as the boys are going to bed, 8pm.  The first night the boys somehow convinced me to let them stay up until Jim got home for some good night hugs from daddy.
I was swindled and hoodwinked!

I've talked a bit on the blog about how we read children's scripture stories in the evenings, and we discuss a different scripture every morning.  Well, I decided that the older boys were big enough to start reading the real Book of Mormon.  I bought them both cheap blue copies because I thought it might help keep Austin's attention and Jackson can join in reading.  It's a success!
Here they are their first night reading their big boy scriptures with a page to mark off each chapter as they read them.
I think after they read the whole book (it'll be awhile), I'll throw a big party.  It'll be fun!

The Science Spectrum had a pirate school night.  They had this comedian put on a show for the kids about pirate school.  The boys LOVED it!  Especially Jackson.  Austin's a bit leery of anything or anyone new, so he was a bit apprehensive, but he still had fun.
But before the show, we checked out the pirate exhibit.
All 3 boys especially liked dressing up like pirates:

Then, it was time to find seats for the show.  Harrison is patiently waiting:

The pirate came out for a little pre-show and greeted his "new students".
Austin was the first student he talked to, he wasn't to sure about the weird piratey dude...

He wouldn't even look at him.  He finally told the pirate his name, but he refused to look his direction.  It was hilarious!
Jackson was all into it though!

The show was a lot of fun and pretty entertaining too!
The pirate even called Jackson up on stage at the end.  Jackson was thrilled!
This Jackson up on stage having a sword fight with the pirate.

One night for FHE we made puppets and acted out puppet shows all about how to show respect.
I'm not sure anything sunk in, but they had fun.

Harrison has a full-blown obsession with our front window.  He spends most of his waking hours staring out at our neighbors.  Nosey lookey-lou!
Anyway, he learned how to play peek-a-boo with the curtains.  It's so cute!

Austin just being Austin.

Then it was time for Mother's Day!  My favorite part of Mother's Day is the homemade gifts from the boys.  Their either super sweet or just plain hilarious.
This year's was hilarious
First, Austin wrote about me:
"My mom is as pretty as 'my hair'"
"My mom is as nice as 'the moon'"
But this year's all-time favorite answer:
"My mom is as smart as 'dad'"
Wow.  That's all I can say.

Jackson made me a card with the dearest, sweetest, personal message:
"Happy Mother's Day.  Wishing you well!"

Apparently, Jackson wanted to give me some money from his money jar, but daddy told him that wasn't necessary, so he drew money for me.

And then the Plague 2015 hit our house...

It started with Austin and Bronchitis.  I didn't get any pictures of his suffering, unfortunately.
Then Harrison got a wicked awful virus that gave him a hugh fever for 5 days.  The worst part was that the fever made him so uncomfortable he just cried and whined all. day. long.
And he only wanted me.  I love that he's my biggest mama's boy, but it was a hard 5 days for me.  No breaks from a crying baby is a little rough, not to mention seeing your sweet baby in so much pain.
Not fun.
He's almost happy in this picture, but looks can be deceiving.

On Harrison's last night with a fever, I noticed that Jackson was whining and crying over nothing- which is not like him.  So I reluctantly checked his temperature and sure enough, he had a fever.  I was sure he just had Harrison's virus, but we took him to the doctor anyway because she had mentioned that Strep was everywhere in Lubbock.  Sure enough, he had Strep.
We were kind of relieved because Jackson takes Strep like a champ!  He's down for a couple days and then he's good.  But not this time.  We "think" he got Strep and while his immune system was compromised he got Harrison's death virus on top of it.  7 days of fever.  He was so sad.

But he survived just in time to go back to school for the last week of 1st grade!

And last, but not least, Harrison finally learned how to feed himself with a bottle.
You know... with only about 6 weeks to go of having a bottle.
But who cares.

That's a wrap!


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