I LOVE Love Day! I just adore Valentines Day and I always have! I like the flowers and candy and cards, but I love Valentines Day because it's a day to remind those we love just how grateful we are for them. I view Valentines more as a day to be kind and thoughtful of someone else, not so much as another day to buy cards and gifts. My cousin (in-law) shared this phenomenal blog about a woman who is battling breast cancer while she tries to raise her family. The blogger made Valentines Day Mindy Day and she asked that everyone do a random act of kindness on Valentines in honor of Mindy. The responses brought me to tears! What amazing ways to celebrate a woman's life by making someone else's life a little easier. That is why I love Valentines Day! My random act of kindness in honor of Mindy was to hand out little candies to all the night students and faculty in my building on Valentines night. So I interrupted every class to hand out candy and wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day! It was so much fun!
Here is the blog about Mindy Day, please read just a little- you won't be disappointed! ...and it's never too late to do a random act of kindness, even if it's not Valentines Day.
Valentines Day was a hit in our home! Jackson LOVES Love Day too and not just because he got a couple small gifts. We made Valentines the night before to give to Grandma and Great Grandpa Marlow because I knew they would be visiting on Valentines Day. Jackson saw their car pull up so he ran to me in the living room. I asked him what he was doing and he said he wanted to surprise Grandma and Grandpa, so when they walked in he jumped up and down yelling, "SURPRISE! SURPRISE!". It was absolutely adorable! Then he started pointing out the Valentines he made them, trying to tell them he had another Valentines surprise for them, but he was so excited all that came out was, "Froggy you... monkey! Happy Valentines! Made you!". So so so cute. It wasn't about the gifts that he received on Valentines day, he was so excited because he had gifts to give. That makes this mommy's heart VERY happy. Once again, Love Day wins!!
My day started with quite a few Valentines gifts from Jim. He went WAY out of his way this year. I loved it all, but I especially like that he thought of lots of ways to make my day wonderful!
I told Jim I wanted jewelry for Valentines Day this year (jokingly), so he made sure I received some very, um, ...lovely Twilight candy and jewelry. I really hate all the Twilight merchandise like posters and key chains and phone covers, so this was a funny gift for lots of reasons.

The boys each got a couple books for Valentine's Day from Mommy and Daddy. I also made sure that they had a fun breakfast.

We had our traditional heart shaped Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.

And here are the little Valentine's I handed out to everyone at school on Valentines night. Small and simple. I LOVE Love Day!!
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