I don't actually work 9-5, but I do work a couple nights a week teaching business English at a local technical college from 6-9. And I LOVE IT!!!
My entire life I have wanted to be a lawyer or a teacher. I even made business cards with my name and the word 'lawyer' when I was about 4 and I gave them out to strangers. I, consequently, got in trouble for talking to strangers, but that's how serious I was. The last 2 years of my undergrad I started praying about which career to go into and after 2 years of praying I got nothing. So I went to the bishop because I needed to know whether to take the LSAT to go into law or the GRE to become a college professor, he said that it is his belief that unanswered prayers just mean it's my choice. Hey, thanks! That's a lot of help! If I were able to choose between the careers I would have already done that. So I was back to square one and no time left, I had to make a decision. Awesome. I had several friends in law school at the time and I even knew a few who had graduated, so I had a good idea of what I was in for if I took the law route. And I had been surrounded by English professors for years of college, so I knew what I was in for if I chose to teach. My favorite English teacher told me that I better be prepared to spend a lot of money on an education that will pay very little, but the people you meet and teach make up the difference. I, obviously, chose to teach. And I haven't regretted one minute, but rather, enjoy and feel grateful for studying English further.
I'm really blessed that I get to teach English while being able to stay at home with my kids when I'm not even done with my education yet. I love, LoVe, LOVE my job and I look forward to days when I get to go to work. I can only imagine how it will continue to get better from here because I chose to do what I was meant to do. Even though I'll never make big buck from my degrees, I'm pretty blessed in every other aspect of my job and my life. Have I mentioned how amazing my family is too? My boys are smart, funny, adorable, and absolute joys, and my husband is my favorite everything!
...speaking of Jim, I'm so proud of him because he starts college in the fall. I'm especially happy because he's so excited about starting school. He's going to be an excellent teacher as well!
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