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Showing posts from June, 2011

Working 9-5, what a way to make a living...

I don't actually work 9-5, but I do work a couple nights a week teaching business English at a local technical college from 6-9. And I LOVE IT!!! My entire life I have wanted to be a lawyer or a teacher. I even made business cards with my name and the word 'lawyer' when I was about 4 and I gave them out to strangers. I, consequently, got in trouble for talking to strangers, but that's how serious I was. The last 2 years of my undergrad I started praying about which career to go into and after 2 years of praying I got nothing. So I went to the bishop because I needed to know whether to take the LSAT to go into law or the GRE to become a college professor, he said that it is his belief that unanswered prayers just mean it's my choice. Hey, thanks! That's a lot of help! If I were able to choose between the careers I would have already done that. So I was back to square one and no time left, I had to make a decision. Awesome. I had several friends in law...


Last Sunday we "missed" (some say "skipped", whatever, it's all semantics, just don't tell) church and attended Critterfest 2011, so daddy could go with us. It was a blast! Both boys had fun, and so did mommy and daddy. Here's Austin, obviously excited about the day's events... First, we had to visit the bubbles because they're Jackson's favorite. Then we found some baby crocodiles. They were just 1 month older than Austin. The snakes were next. Not mommy's personal favorite. We found a craft booth and Jackson wanted a tiger mask. Daddy made Austin a little monkey mask. And then the fishies, soo many fishies... Don't judge the hair, it was 112 degrees that day. It was HOT! I even had make-up on, but it literally melted off. Lovely. And more fish... Even Austin liked the fish. Lions, Tigers, and Bears, OH MY! Well, really there were only Tigers, but we did see a bear being walked into the building. Apparently, the bear got...

My boys: As they are right now

I'm stealing this idea from a fellow mommy and friend. Thanks Nicole! I posted earlier about time going by so fast and that I'm afraid I'm going to forget my babies as they are right now. As this is a huge fear of mine, every so often I'm going to post about who they are at the current time of the post. So here are my boys right now. Jackson, 2 years and almost 10 months: He's 3 feet, 2 inches tall and still very blonde. His nursery teacher told me that he's the most polite toddler in class. He almost always says please and thank you. Occasionally we have to remind him, but that's pretty rare. And he also loves to say, "bless you!" to anyone who makes any sort of noise. This makes Jim and me laugh a lot, especially when we hear "bless you!" from his room after we think he's gone to sleep. Something else he just started doing the other night is saying, "10 bucks" when we're at a register or when he sees a receip...

Ok, so 2 babies later and Chubs still needs to drop the weight

I've been thinking about how quickly my babies are growing up. Yesterday I realized that Austin's fore arm and hand together are shorter than my hand. I want to remember this 25 years from now when my little boy is a grown man. I want to remember how his little tiny arm was shorter than my hand when my hand is just a portion of his grown-up arm. I want to remember how tiny he was because every day he gets bigger and bigger and it's truly heartbreaking. Anyway, I realized that I don't really have any pictures of me with the boys because I hate how I look. I know that's silly because years from now just having the memories in picture form will be so much more important than what the scale says today, but it is what it is. So it's time for chubs to lose weight. Seriously. I'm not talking join the latest fade diet to drop 20lbs quickly, I want long lasting results. I'm not the type to eat protein and leaves all day long or spend hours at the gym, so...