I don't actually work 9-5, but I do work a couple nights a week teaching business English at a local technical college from 6-9. And I LOVE IT!!! My entire life I have wanted to be a lawyer or a teacher. I even made business cards with my name and the word 'lawyer' when I was about 4 and I gave them out to strangers. I, consequently, got in trouble for talking to strangers, but that's how serious I was. The last 2 years of my undergrad I started praying about which career to go into and after 2 years of praying I got nothing. So I went to the bishop because I needed to know whether to take the LSAT to go into law or the GRE to become a college professor, he said that it is his belief that unanswered prayers just mean it's my choice. Hey, thanks! That's a lot of help! If I were able to choose between the careers I would have already done that. So I was back to square one and no time left, I had to make a decision. Awesome. I had several friends in law...