The first trimester of pregnancy is always tough for me with the nausea and the exhaustion, but I'm beginning to slowly recover and that means FHE is back!

And here's his finished project. Jackson created his own Zion.
This week we learned about Enoch and Zion. We watched the scripture story on the computer and then we finger painted!!! I bought a $1 4-pack of vanilla pudding snacks and used icing dye to color the pudding for finger painting. It's cheap and easy, and totally safe if your toddler eats it. We actually tried to get Jackson to eat it, but he wouldn't. Good boy!
I wasn't sure if it would stain his hands or his clothes so we stripped him down before we got started creating art. FYI, it doesn't stain.

And here's his finished project. Jackson created his own Zion.
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