Man, it's been awhile. A long while. The blog is baaaaaack! And so is the Nuffer Family Summer Camp!!!!! The NFSC is going to be pretty different this year. The big boys need to be challenged so much more than a few crafts and story books like when I first started the summer camp many moons ago. With that said, I don't really know exactly what it will look like because I have to test the waters to see what interests them and what doesn't. My mom gave each of the boys a Little Passports membership, so we'll be using those in our weekly themes as well. I have a preschooler, a second grader, and a fifth grader- needless to say, it should be interesting. but no big deal, right? Riiiiiiiiiight. Every day they'll spend their mornings doing some chores, spending some time outside, reading independantly, doing a little work in grade-level appropriate workbooks, doing an NFSC activity or two, and I think I'm going to teach the older boys to write in cursive. ...