School just finished and the boys first weekend of summer break was a big one! First, the big boys and daddy went on a father/son camping trip with the church, and then, it was Memorial Day and a sleepover at grandma's! The boys have never been camping before. The father/son camping trips with our ward have been rained out the last few years, and since I don't like to pretend I'm homeless we have never done a family camping trip. The first weekend of the father/son camping trip was rained out, so they rescheduled for last weekend. The big boys were stoked! Especially Jackson! It was hard on him when it was rained out a couple weeks ago. But it was finally time for the BIG DAY! The car was loaded up, but they had to make a quick stop for a few items. THEN, it was time to head out to the bishop's house the camp ground. They made it! Jim got the tent set up. Now, it was time to...