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Showing posts from May, 2016

BIG weekend!

School just finished and the boys first weekend of summer break was a big one! First, the big boys and daddy went on a father/son camping trip with the church, and then, it was Memorial Day and a sleepover at grandma's!   The boys have never been camping before.  The father/son camping trips with our ward have been rained out the last few years, and since I don't like to pretend I'm homeless we have never done a family camping trip.  The first weekend of the father/son camping trip was rained out, so they rescheduled for last weekend.  The big boys were stoked!  Especially Jackson!  It was hard on him when it was rained out a couple weeks ago.  But it was finally time for the BIG DAY!     The car was loaded up, but they had to make a quick stop for a few items.  THEN, it was time to head out to the bishop's house the camp ground.     They made it! Jim got the tent set up. Now, it was time to...

Last day of school!

It's very appropriate that Timehop gave me the picture on the left today as it is the last day of school because I just took the picture on the right just a couple days ago...   The left is Jackson walking with Austin on his last day of kindergarten, and on the right is Austin walking with Harrison on one of his last days of preschool.  It's such an ordinary, simple picture:  my boys walking down the hall at school holding hands.  But these are the moments I won't forget.  These are the moments embedded in my heart that I will remember the rest of my life.  They'll be grown men, but my memory will recall these simple images of my tiny babies walking together, holding hands in the hall.  The big one dragging the little one along. Be still my heart.     Today, was Jackson's last day of second grade!  It's kind of an elementary milestone as he will move over to the "big kid" side of his elementary next y...

Last catch-up. Hopefully...

The last few months have been really hectic at the Nuffer Nest.  It seems like every day I had 26 hours of stuff to do in a 24 hour period, thus I was constantly getting behind.  BUT school is over now, and I actually have a little bit of free time.  I'm hoping my bits of free time will allow me to keep up on the blog, but I'm aware it's a bit of a lofty goal.  So lets move on with this catch-up- Austin can read! Austin is a pretty decent little reader!  He even reads scriptures with us in the evenings with very little help from us.  The school that the big boys attend has a really great program that encourages little readers to read to big readers, so pre-schooler Austin was able to read to Jackson's 2nd grade class!  He did GREAT!  Of course, I cried and the 2nd graders and Austin's teacher were quick to call me out on my tears.  Austin reading Mo Willems' The Pigeon Takes a Bath   He was so proud of ...