Harrison is 6 weeks old and it's time for his blessing at church. I waited the longest with Harrison, probably because he's my baby. Jackson's and Austin's blessings were both at 4 weeks, but I wasn't ready at 4 weeks with Harrison. Plus, I was in the throws of a really difficult semester in school, so I was really stressed out 2 weeks ago. Waiting until Harrison was 6 weeks just worked best this time around. For whatever reason, I have never taken pictures of just the baby being blessed in their blessing outfits before Harrison. Jackson wore a little white sweater that was Jim's as a baby. Austin wore a little white sleeper set type outfit. Harrison wore a little retro romper that I found for my mom to make. I LOVE IT! My mom also made a beautiful white blanket for Jackson's blessing which I strung a blue ribbon through with the intentions of changing the ribbon out for each child after Jackson. Austin had a brown ribbon an...