A friend of mine showed me a folder she put together for her daughter that had some activities and fun things for her to do to keep her busy. I really liked that everything was protected with lamination. I asked her where she went to get everything laminated and I was SHOCKED to hear that they have personal laminating machines now. Now, I'm sure personal laminating machines are not a new thing, but I often don't catch the obvious. Anyway, not only did I find out that there are such things as personal lamination machines, but also that they are CHEAP!! I bought one (immediately) at Walmart for under $30 and it came with 20 laminating sheets. I bought 50 extra sheets for about $15 with tax. I wanted to put together a felt board for the boys for an Easter present, but after reading about how to make one myself I realized that felt boards are almost obsolete and magnet boards are the new "thing". I just bought 2 metal cookie sheets ...