Sadly, I missed the General Relief Society broadcast when it first aired and I really wanted to go. I need to start setting alarms on my phone or something because I was so SO disappointed when I realized I missed the broadcast. We get the BYU channel, but I really like going to the broadcast at church because then I can really focus on the broadcast. I love my boys with every bit of my heart, but sometimes it's hard to concentrate with them around. The General Relief Society broadcast is my very favorite broadcast of the year. I LOVE IT! I always have. And this year was no different. Elder Uchtdorf's talks are always so poignant and heart piercing, but his Forget Me Not talk was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. It was exactly what my spirit needed to hear as well. He spoke about me in several instances of what not to do in a way that was so sweet and humorous that I didn't feel scolded or guilty, but rather, I felt up-lifted and renewed. I am so grateful for those...