This pregnancy has been so different from my last pregnancy, so I just KNEW this baby was a girl. I was 95% sure of it and I told everyone. Yesterday, at my 16 week appointment, we found out that my little girl is actually a BOY!! I was so shocked that I was wrong, but so grateful for a boy. I do not want any baby girls because I do not want any teenage girls. I know how I was as a teenager and I don't want Karma to give me what I deserve. Baby boy Nuffer is measuring a couple weeks ahead of schedule, but Jackson was a really long baby, so I'm not shocked this one is long as well. In a couple weeks we have a visit with the specialist and we'll get some really cool 3D photos. I'm so excited to see what this baby looks like. Will he and Jackson look alike? I hope so! Not just because Jackson is the cutest boy on the planet, but because my dream as a little girl was to have 2 children look just alike except one has light hair and the other has dark hair. Jackson...