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Showing posts from August, 2010

BABY NUFFER #2 is on his/her way!!!!

That's right, we were waiting to tell everyone, but today we had our second appointment and the second sono and Baby Nuffer #2 is doing well. Most of you know that we had a miscarriage in June after struggling with infertility, it was a very devastating time for us. We were "advised" to wait a couple cycles before trying again (and we were going to take the advice), but a little voice, I know now it was the Spirit, told me we should try again as soon as possible. I talked to Jim and he agreed and sure enough baby #2 is on it's way again! This little one is very healthy and has a strong heartbeat!! We aren't out of the woods yet, I'm just under 9 weeks and at 12 weeks our chances of miscarriage drop significantly. I don't feel we'll be out of the woods until I have our little baby in my arms, which will only give me a whole new set of stresses to worry about. ;) This is Baby Nuffer #2 at 6 weeks and 5 days. If you look close it's off to the ...

My little man turned 2!!

So no one ever told me that the second year of life goes by much faster than the first. It seemed like we just had Jackson's first birthday party a couple months ago, but nope, it's been a year. August brings the HOTTEST weather of the year and my little man's birthday. Jim and I decided that this year we weren't going to have a big party like last year, just a small little get together with family, but little by little the party got bigger and bigger. I'm glad we threw him a big boy birthday party and think everyone had a good time. Jackson really likes Toy Story, especially Buzz, so we decided to throw a Toy Story party. It worked out great because stores are busting at the seams with Toy Story mania!! So, I realize it looks like Toy Story threw up in our house, but Jackson loved it!! His cake... not too bad. And we had Toy Story 2 playing in another room for everyone who didn't want to go outside and play in the water... or as I like to call them, party ...
Sorry it's been awhile, but we've all been sick with rashes and fevers... YUCK!! And we missed FHE this last Monday because Jackson was sick, but we'll resume back next Monday (if we don't sneak one in before then). So, a couple Monday's ago we learned about Cain and Abel. Pretty rough story for a 23 month old btw. Anyway, we watched the story on ldsfriend and we talked about what it means to be "your brothers keeper", in this case it means sharing. Jackson spends a lot of time with his friend Maggie who is 6 months younger than him, so they're both learning how to share... slowly. After our little discussion we colored a picture about two little kids sharing their toys and being good "brothers keepers". Jackson made sure to use every single one of the crayons in his box and I'm just grateful I brought out the box of 24 and not the box of 196 crayons Jim bought me for Christmas a couple years ago or he'd still be coloring.